
发布部门:bwin体育 发布时间:2022-06-25


张彦中,男,1968年生。生物医学工程学科教授(III级)、博士生导师,bwin体育(原生物科学与技术研究所)“仿生材料与再生医学(BMRM)”课题组组长(PI)。主要研究方向为(纤维)生物材料与再生医学。本科毕业于西北工业大学,博士毕业于新加坡国立大学(NUS),英国布里斯特大学和NUS博士后经历,出国前曾在北京航空材料研究院从事纤维增强的高分子基复合材料科研工作近7年。200911月作为海外引进人才回国到东华大学工作,创立了“仿生材料与再生医学(BMRM)”研究室。回国工作以来主持了上海市科委“浦江人才计划”项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目(4项)、上海市科委基础研究重点项目等重要科研项目10余项。在包括Biomaterials, Acta Biomater., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Biomacromolecules等在内的领域内主流学术刊物上发表论文130余篇,撰写4本英文专著的章节,获授权国内外发明专利8件。发表的SCI论文被引用17,000余次,引用100次以上的论文33篇,H-指数=49。有12SCI论文曾被列为ESI高引用论文“Highly Cited Papers”(即引用Top1%论文)。已指导毕业硕、博士研究生32名。曾主讲留学生(研究生)《Biomedical Materials》全英语课程、《医用高分子材料》、《生物材料》、《生物材料与组织工程》、《再生生物材料》等课程。




是国际上亚洲地区最早从事电纺丝(Electrospinning)及其在组织工程与再生医学领域应用的学者之一,尤其在生物可降解天然-合成复合纳米纤维【见Biomaterials 2013, 34(11): 2624; Biomacromolecules 2012, 13(12): 3917; Acta Biomater. 2007, 3(3): 321; J. Biomed. Mater. Res. Part B. 2005, 72B(1): 156】、同轴共电纺壳-芯结构复合纳米纤维【见Nanoscale 2016, 8(36): 16307; Biomacromolecules 2006, 7(4): 1049Biomacromolecules 2005, 6(5): 2583; Chem. Mater. 2004, 16(18): 3406有机-无机杂化复合纳米纤维【见Biomaterials 2013, 34(18): 4404; Nanotechnology 2012, 23(48): 485102; Tissue Eng. Part A. 2010, 16(6): 1949; Biomaterials 2008, 29(32): 4314形状记忆智能微纳生物材料ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14(20): 23219; Tissue Eng. Part A 2021, 27: 142;J. Mater. Chem. B 2016, 4(31): 5308; ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2014, 6(4): 2611; Biomacromolecules 2013, 14(6): 1971以及纤维力学生物学Mater. Sci. Eng. C-Mater. Biol. Appl. 2021, 119: 111470; Acta Biomater. 2020, 108: 237; ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11(7): 6867; Acta Biomater. 2016, 42: 247等方向开展了一系列具有开创性和一定国际影响力的研究工作。



1.         2010年入选上海市“浦江人才计划”(A类)

2.         2006-2010Acta Biomater.期刊高引用论文奖

3.         2014-20162018年东华大学优秀硕/博士学位论文指导教师

4.         2015年上海市研究生优秀学位论文指导教师*

5.         2016年上海市研究生优秀学位论文指导教师*

6.         2021年入选“全球顶尖前10万科学家排名”(位列Top20%

7.         2021年爱思唯尔(Elsevier)“中国高被引学者”




1.      2021.1-2024.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,仿生纤维促细胞重塑基质与形成组织的力学生物学作用机制(项目号:32071345),主持;

2.      2019.1-2021.12,东华大学中央高校基本科研业务费学科交叉(理工科)重点项目,基于仿生取向纤维的血管组织再生(项目号:2232019A3-09),主持;

3.      2018.1-2021.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,力学主动式骨组织工程支架的生物力学效应与机制研究(项目号:31771050),主持;

4.      2016.10-2021.10,科技部国家重点研发计划专项,生物材料化学信号、微纳米结构及力学特性对非骨组织再生诱导作用及其机制研究(项目号:2016YFC1100200),子课题负责人;

5.      2016.1-2019.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,仿生超细“中性纤维”的设计制备与修复肌腱损伤功效评价(项目号:31570969),主持;

6.      2014.9-2017.8,上海市科学技术委员会“科技创新行动计划”基础研究重点项目,用于原位骨组织工程的多功能仿生纳米纤维支架的构建(项目号:14JC1490100),主持;

7.      2011.10-2013.10,东华大学中央高校基本科研业务费(追加)重点项目,壳-芯结构超细单向复合纤维的设计制备及仿生构建组织工程化肌腱(项目号:11D10540),主持;

8.      2011.1-2011.12,教育部留学回国人员科研启动专项基金,仿生复合材料纳米纤维羟基磷灰石/壳聚糖对骨髓间质干细胞的诱导成骨作用研究(项目号:11W10523),主持;

9.      2011.1-2013.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,超细定向壳聚糖纤维的电流驱动法纺丝及其应用于肌腱组织工程的研究(项目号:51073032),主持;

10.   2010.7-2012.6,上海市科学技术委员会“浦江人才计划”项目,基于仿生复合材料纳米纤维羟基磷灰石/壳聚糖与骨髓间质干细胞的骨组织工程的研究(项目号:10PJ1400200),主持。



1.          X.R. Guo, X.L. Wang, H. Tang, Y.J. Ren, D.H. Li, B.C. Yi, Y.Z. Zhang*. Engineering a mechanoactive fibrous substrate with enhanced efficiency in regulating stem cell tenodifferentiation, ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces 2022, 14(20): 23219-23231.

2.          B.C. Yi, L. Yu, H. Tang, W.B. Wang*, W. Liu*, Y.Z. Zhang*. Lysine-doped polydopamine coating enhances antithrombogenicity and endothelialization of an electrospun aligned fibrous vascular graft, Appl. Mater. Today 2021, 25: No. 101198.

3.          Y.B. Shen, Y. Xu, B.C. Yi, X.L. Wang, H. Tang, C. Chen*, Y.Z. Zhang*. Engineering a highly biomimetic chitosan-based cartilage scaffold by using short fibers and a cartilage-decellularized matrix, Biomacromolecules 2021, 22(5): 2284-2297.

4.          H. Tang, B.C. Yi, X.L. Wang, Y.B. Shen, Y.Z. Zhang*. Understanding the cellular responses based on low-density electrospun fiber networks, Mater. Sci. Eng. C-Mater. Biol. Appl. 2021, 119: No. 111470.

5.          X.L. Wang, H.Y. Yan, Y.B. Shen, H. Tang, B.C. Yi, C.P. Qin, Y.Z. Zhang*. Shape memory and osteogenesis capabilities of the electrospun poly(3-Hydroxybutyrate-co-3-Hydroxyvalerate) modified poly(l-Lactide) fibrous mats, Tissue Eng. Part A 2021, 27(1-2): 142-152.

6.          T. Tu, Y.B. Shen, X.S. Wang, W.J. Zhang, G.D. Zhou, Y.Z. Zhang*, W.B. Wang*, W. Liu*. Tendon ECM modified bioactive electrospun fibers promote MSC tenogenic differentiation and tendon regeneration, Appl. Mater. Today 2020, 18: No. 100495.

7.          B.C. Yi, Y.B. Shen, H. Tang, X.L. Wang, Y.Z. Zhang*. Stiffness of the aligned fibers affects structural and functional integrity of the oriented endothelial cells, Acta Biomater. 2020, 108: 237-249.

8.          B.C. Yi, Y.B. Shen, H. Tang, X.L. Wang, B. Li*, Y.Z. Zhang*. Stiffness of aligned fibers regulates the phenotypic expression of vascular smooth muscle cells, ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces 2019, 11(7): 6867-6880.

9.          Y.B. Shen, T. Tu, B.C. Yi, X.L. Wang, H. Tang, W. Liu*, Y.Z. Zhang*. Electrospun acid-neutralizing fibers for the amelioration of inflammatory response, Acta Biomater. 2019, 97: 200-215.

10.       C. Zhang, X.L. Wang, E.C. Zhang, L. Yang, H.H. Yuan, W.J. Tu, H.L. Zhang, Z. Yin, W.L. Shen, X. Chen, Y.Z. Zhang*, H.W. Ouyang*. An epigenetic bioactive composite scaffold with well-aligned nanofibers for functional tendon tissue engineering, Acta Biomater. 2018, 66: 141-156.

11.       B.C. Yi, H.L. Zhang, Z.P. Yu, H.H. Yuan, X.L. Wang, Y.Z. Zhang*. Fabrication of high performance silk fibroin fibers via stable jet electrospinning for potential use in anisotropic tissue regeneration, J. Mat. Chem. B 2018, 6(23): 3934-3945.

12.       H.H. Yuan, Y.X. Zhou, M.-S. Lee, Y.Z. Zhang*, W.-J. Li*. A newly identified mechanism involved in regulation of human mesenchymal stem cells by fibrous substrate stiffness, Acta Biomater. 2016, 42: 247-257.

13.       H.H. Yuan, J.B. Qin, J. Xie, B.Y. Li, Z.P. Yu, Z.Y. Peng, B.C. Yi, X.X. Lou, X.W. Lu*, Y.Z. Zhang*. Highly aligned core-shell structured nanofibers for promoting phenotypic expression of vSMCs for vascular regeneration, Nanoscale 2016, 8(36): 16307-16322.

14.       M. Bao, X.L. Wang, H.H. Yuan, X.X. Lou, Q.H. Zhao, Y.Z. Zhang*. HAp incorporated ultrafine polymeric fibers with shape memory effect for potential use in bone screw hole healing, J. Mat. Chem. B 2016, 4(31): 5308-5320.

15.       J. Xie, C. Peng, Q.H. Zhao, X.L. Wang, H.H. Yuan, L.L. Yang, K. Li, X.X. Lou*, Y.Z. Zhang*. Osteogenic differentiation and bone regeneration of iPSC-MSCs supported by a biomimetic nanofibrous scaffold, Acta Biomater. 2016, 29: 365-379.

16.       H.H. Yuan, Q.H. Zhou, B.Y. Li, M. Bao, X.X. Lou, Y.Z. Zhang*. Direct printing of patterned three-dimensional ultrafine fibrous scaffolds by stable jet electrospinning for cellular ingrowth, Biofabrication 2015, 7(4): No. 045004.

17.       Q.H. Zhou, J. Xie, M. Bao, H.H. Yuan, Z.Y. Ye, X.X. Lou, Y.Z. Zhang*. Engineering aligned electrospun PLLA microfibers with nano-porous surface nanotopography for modulating the responses of vascular smooth muscle cells, J. Mat. Chem. B 2015, 3(21): 4439-4450.

18.       C. Zhang, H.H. Yuan, H.H. Liu, X. Chen, P. Lu, T. Zhu, L. Yang, Z. Yin, B.C. Heng, Y.Z. Zhang*, H.W. Ouyang*. Well-aligned chitosan-based ultrafine fibers committed teno-lineage differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells for Achilles tendon regeneration, Biomaterials 2015, 53: 716-730.

19.       Q. Li, X.L. Wang, X.X. Lou, H.H. Yuan, H.B. Tu, B.Y. Li, Y.Z. Zhang*. Genipin-crosslinked electrospun chitosan nanofibers: Determination of crosslinking conditions and evaluation of cytocompatibility, Carbohydr. Polym. 2015, 130: 166-174.

20.       M. Bao, X.X. Lou, Q.H. Zhou, W. Dong, H.H. Yuan, Y.Z. Zhang*. Electrospun biomimetic fibrous scaffold from shape memory polymer of PDLLA-co-TMC for bone tissue engineering, ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces 2014, 6(4): 2611-2621.

21.       H.H. Yuan, B.Y. Li, K. Liang, X.X. Lou*, Y.Z. Zhang*. Regulating drug release from pH- and temperature-responsive electrospun CTS-g-PNIPAAm/poly(ethylene oxide) hydrogel nanofibers, Biomed. Mater. 2014, 9(5): No. 055001.

22.       H.H. Liu, H.J. Peng, Y. Wu, C. Zhang, Y.Z. Cai, G.W. Xu, Q. Li, X. Chen, J.F. Ji, Y.Z. Zhang*, H.W. Ouyang*. The promotion of bone regeneration by nanofibrous hydroxyapatite/chitosan scaffolds by effects on integrin-BMP/Smad signaling pathway in BMSCs, Biomaterials 2013, 34(18): 4404-4417.

23.       J.X. Xue, B. Feng, R. Zheng, Y. Lu, G.D. Zhou, W. Liu, Y.L. Cao, Y.Z. Zhang*, W.J. Zhang*. Engineering ear-shaped cartilage using electrospun fibrous membranes of gelatin/polycaprolactone, Biomaterials 2013, 34(11): 2624-2631.

24.       S.F. Zhao, Q.H. Zhou, Y.Z. Long*, G.H. Sun, Y.Z. Zhang*. Nanofibrous patterns by direct electrospinning of nanofibers onto topographically structured non-conductive substrates, Nanoscale 2013, 5(11): 4993-5000.

25.       M. Bao, Q.H. Zhou, W. Dong, X.X. Lou, Y.Z. Zhang*. Ultrasound-modulated shape memory and payload release effects in a biodegradable cylindrical rod made of chitosan-functionalized PLGA microspheres, Biomacromolecules 2013, 14(6): 1971-1979.

26.       Q.H. Zhou, M. Bao, H.H. Yuan, S.F. Zhao, W. Dong, Y.Z. Zhang*. Implication of stable jet length in electrospinning for collecting well-aligned ultrafine PLLA fibers, Polymer 2013, 54(25): 6867-6876.

27.       H.J. Peng, Z. Yin, H.H. Liu, X. Chen, B. Feng, H.H. Yuan, B. Su, H.W. Ouyang*, Y.Z. Zhang*. Electrospun biomimetic scaffold of hydroxyapatite/chitosan supports enhanced osteogenic differentiation of mMSCs, Nanotechnology 2012, 23(48): No. 485102.

28.       B. Feng, H.B. Tu, H.H. Yuan, H.J. Peng, Y.Z. Zhang*. Acetic-acid-mediated miscibility toward electrospinning homogeneous composite nanofibers of GT/PCL, Biomacromolecules 2012, 13(12): 3917-3925.

29.       H.H. Yuan, S.F. Zhao, H.B. Tu, B.Y. Li, Q. Li, B. Feng, H.J. Peng, Y.Z. Zhang*. Stable jet electrospinning for easy fabrication of aligned ultrafine fibers, J. Mat. Chem. 2012, 22(37): 19634-19638.

30.       Y.Z. Zhang*, J.R. Venugopal, S.Y. Wong, X. Li, B. Su, S. Ramakrishna, C.T. Lim*. Enhanced biomineralization in osteoblasts on a novel electrospun biocomposite nanofibrous substrate of hydroxyapatite/collagen/chitosan, Tissue Eng. Part A 2010, 16(6): 1949-1960.

31.       Y.Z. Zhang*, B. Su*, S. Ramakrishna, C.T. Lim. Chitosan nanofibers from an easily electrospinnable UHMWPEO-doped chitosan solution system, Biomacromolecules 2008, 9(1): 136-141.

32.       Y.Z. Zhang, J.R. Venugopal, A. El-Turki, S. Ramakrishna, B. Su*, C.T. Lim*. Electrospun biomimetic nanocomposite nanofibers of hydroxyapatite/chitosan for bone tissue engineering, Biomaterials 2008, 29(32): 4314-4322.

33.       Y.Z. Zhang*, B. Su, J.R. Venugopal, S. Ramakrishna, C.T. Lim*. Biomimetic and bioactive nanofibrous scaffolds from electrospun composite nanofibers, Int. J. Nanomed. 2007, 2(4): 623-638.

34.       Y.Z. Zhang, Y. Feng, Z.M. Huang, S. Ramakrishna, C.T. Lim*. Fabrication of porous electrospun nanofibres, Nanotechnology 2006, 17(3): 901-908.

35.       Y.Z. Zhang*, J.R. Venugopal, Z.M. Huang, C.T. Lim, S. Ramakrishna. Crosslinking of the electrospun gelatin nanofibers, Polymer 2006, 47(8): 2911-2917.

36.       Y.Z. Zhang*, X. Wang, Y. Feng, J. Li, C.T. Lim, S. Ramakrishna. Coaxial electrospinning of (fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated bovine serum albumin)-encapsulated poly(epsilon-caprolactone) nanofibers for sustained release, Biomacromolecules 2006, 7(4): 1049-1057.

37.       Y.Z. Zhang*, J.R. Venugopal, Z.M. Huang, C.T. Lim, S. Ramakrishna. Characterization of the surface biocompatibility of the electrospun PCL-collagen nanofibers using fibroblasts, Biomacromolecules 2005, 6(5): 2583-2589.

38.       Y.Z. Zhang*, H.W. Ouyang, C.T. Lim, S. Ramakrishna, Z.M. Huang. Electrospinning of gelatin fibers and gelatin/PCL composite fibrous scaffolds, J. Biomed. Mater. Res. Part B 2005, 72B(1): 156-165.

39.       Y.Z. Zhang*, Z.M. Huang*, X.J. Xu, C.T. Lim, S. Ramakrishna. Preparation of core-shell structured PCL-r-gelatin bi-component nanofibers by coaxial electrospinning, Chem. Mater. 2004, 16(18): 3406-3409.

40.       Z.M. Huang*, Y.Z. Zhang, M. Kotaki, S. Ramakrishna. A review on polymer nanofibers by electrospinning and their applications in nanocomposites, Compos. Sci. Technol. 2003, 63(15): 2223-2253.

41. 李慧娟, 王先流, 沈炎冰, 唐寒, 汤晓涵, 张彦中*. 负载淫羊藿苷的壳聚糖基仿生支架的促软骨形成和炎症缓解作用[J], 生物工程学报2022, 38(6): 2308-2321.

42. 汤晓涵, 唐寒, 郭煦然, 李东红, 李慧娟, 张彦中*. 基于电纺PNIPA-AA/PCL纤维基底的细胞膜片制备[J], 功能高分子学报2022, 35(5): 1-10.

43. 薛苏桐, 王先流, 易兵成, 郭煦然, 唐寒, 沈炎冰, 张彦中*. 氧化石墨烯改性形状记忆纤维的片层尺寸相关性[J], 功能高分子学报2022, 35(2): 146-154.

44. 沈勇, 易兵成, 沈炎冰, 唐寒, 周璟, 薛苏桐, 张彦中*. 仿生取向纤维的刚度变化对巨噬细胞极化特性的影响[J], 东华大学学报(自然科学版)2022, 48(2): 1-9.

45. 周璟, 唐寒, 易兵成, 沈炎冰, 沈勇, 薛苏桐, 张彦中*. 基于不同仿生纤维密度的细胞响应行为研究[J], 中国细胞生物学学报2021, 43(4): 747-758.

46. 秦春萍, 王先流, 唐寒, 易兵成, 刘畅, 张彦中*. 含骨脱细胞基质电纺纤维的成骨性能[J], 高等学校化学学报2020, 41(4): 780-788.

47. 刘畅, 易兵成, 王先流, 沈炎冰, 秦春萍, 张彦中*. Lys-GOPLCL形状记忆纤维的力学增强和成骨诱导作用[J], 功能高分子学报2020, 33(5): 483-491.

48. 方妤露, 易兵成, 沈炎冰, 唐寒, 张彦中*. 玉米壳纤维增强壳聚糖基水凝胶应用于软骨组织工程支架的潜力[J], 中国组织工程研究2020, 24(34): 5493-5501.

49. 霍影, 王先流, 易兵成, 沈炎冰, 张彦中*. 形状记忆取向纤维膜的形状回复力调控[J], 功能高分子学报2020, 33(1): 46-53.

50. 周颖, 王先流, 易兵成, 余哲泡, 杨上莹, 沈炎冰, 张彦中*. 具有形状记忆效应的仿生复合纳米纤维的制备与性能评价[J], 高等学校化学学报2018, 39(7): 1554-1563.

51. 杨上莹, 袁卉华, 易兵成, 王先流, 周颖, 张彦中*. 柠檬酸改性壳聚糖水凝胶的制备与性能[J], 功能高分子学报2018, 31(3): 232-240.

52. 余哲泡, 袁卉华, 易兵成, 王先流, 张赵文斌, 张彦中*. 电纺纤维的刚度对iPS-MSCs黏附和迁移的影响[J], 高等学校化学学报2018, 39(4): 807-816.

53. 张会兰, 易兵成, 王先流, 李碧云, 余哲泡, 娄向新, 张彦中*. 用高度取向石墨烯/聚乳酸(Gr/PLLA)复合超细纤维构建神经导管[J], 高等学校化学学报2016, 37(5): 972-982.

54. 易兵成, 张会兰, 余哲泡, 袁卉华, 王先流, 沈炎冰, 包佳煜, 娄向新, 张彦中*. 丝素蛋白溶液诱导成骨分化及其性能评价[J], 中国组织工程研究2016, 20(52): 7788-7795.

55. 董文, 包敏, 李碧云, 袁卉华, 娄向新, 张彦中*. 含石墨烯的聚乳酸复合纳米纤维的制备及细胞相容性[J], 功能高分子学报2014, 27(2): 147-156.

56. 包敏, 周雅慧, 袁卉华, 娄向新, 张彦中*. Lys调节PLGA纳米纤维的体外降解产物酸度的研究[J], 高分子学报2014, 5: 604-612.

57. 袁卉华, 屠红斌, 李碧云, 李芹, 张彦中*. 稳定射流电纺丝法制备定向排列的壳聚糖超细纤维[J], 高分子学报2014, 1: 131-140.

58. 娄向新, 袁卉华, 包敏, 张彦中*. 模拟干细胞生长微环境以促进间充质干细胞的扩增[J], 中国细胞生物学学报2013, 35(11): 1681-1688.

59. 包敏, 周宇峰, 周祺惠, 董文, 张彦中*. 超声可控释药体系研究进展[J], 中国生物医学工程学报2013, 32(6): 731-740.

60. 赵仕芳, 袁卉华, 张彦中*. 静电纺纳米纤维基组织工程大孔支架的研究进展[J], 中国生物医学工程学报2012, 31(1): 129-140.








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