
发布部门:bwin体育 发布时间:2022-06-23


















1. Niu S., Zhang X., Williams G.R., Wu, J., Gao F. , Fu Z., Chen X. , Li S*., Zhu L.M.* . (2021).

Hollow Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Gated by Chitosan-Copper Sulfide Composites as

Theranostic Agents for the Treatment of Breast Cancer, Acta Biomaterialia, 126, 408-420. (IF10.633Q1

2. Wu, J., Niu S., Bremner D.H.,  Nie W., Fu Z.,  Li D*.,  Zhu L.M.* (2020). A Tumor

Microenvironment-Responsive Biodegradable Mesoporous Nanosystem for Anti-Inflammation and Cancer Theranostics, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 9(2) , e1901307.IF11.092Q1

3. Chen, X., Niu, S., Bremner, D. H., Zhang X., Zhang H., Zhang, Y., Li, S.*, Zhu L.M.*(2020).  

Co-delivery of doxorubicin and oleanolic acid by triple-sensitive nanocomposite based on

chitosan for effective promoting tumor apoptosis. Carbohydrate Polymers, 116672. (IF10.723Q1)

4. Wu, J., Williams, G., Niu, S., Yang, Y., Li, Y., Zhang, X., Zhu, L.M.*. (2020). Biomineralized  

Bimetallic Oxide Nanotheranostics for Multimodal Imaging Guided Combination Therapy. Theranostics, 10: 841-855. IF11.6, Q1

5. Wang, H., Bremner, D. H., Wu, K., Gong, X., Fan, Q., Xie, X., Zhu, L.M.*. (2020). Platelet

membrane biomimetic bufalin-loaded hollow MnO2 nanoparticles for MRI-guided chemo-chemodynamic combined therapy of cancer. Chemical Engineering Journal, 382, 122848. IF16.744, Q1

6. Gao, F., Wu, J., Niu, S., Sun, T., Li, F., Bai, C., Jin, L., Lin, L., Shi*, Q., Zhu, L.M.,* Du,* L.

(2019). Biodegradable, pH-Sensitive Hollow Mesoporous Organosilica Nanoparticle (HMON)

with Controlled Release of Pirfenidone and Ultrasound Target Microbubble Destruction (UTMD) for Pancreatic Cancer Treatment. Theranostics,  9(20), 6002-6018. (IF 11.6, Q1)

7. Niu, S., Williams, G. R., Wu, J., Wu, J., Zhang, X., Zhang H., Li S.*, Zhu, L.M.*. A novel

chitosan-based nanomedicine for multi-drug resistant breast cancer therapy. Chemical

Engineering Journal, 369 (2019) 134–149.IF16.744, Q1

8. Niu, S., Williams, G. R., Wu, J., Wu, J., Zhang, X., Chen, X., Zhu, L.M.*. (2019). A chitosan-

based cascade-responsive drug delivery system for triple-negative breast cancer therapy. 

 Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 17: 1-18. IF 9.429Q1

9. Wang, H., Wu, J., Williams, G. R., Fan, Q., Niu, S., Wu, J., Zhu, L.M.*. (2019).

Platelet-membrane-biomimetic nanoparticles for targeted antitumor drug delivery. Journal of

Nanobiotechnology, 17(1), 60.IF 9.429Q1

10. Wu, J., Williams, G.R., Niu, S., Gao F., Tang, R., Zhu, L.M.* (2019). A multifunctional

biodegradable nanocomposite for cancer theranostics. Advanced Science, 10.1002/advs. 201802001.IF 17.521,  Q1

11. Wu, J., Bremner, D. H., S., Wu, Shi, M., Wang, H., Tang, R., Zhu, L.M.* (2018). Chemodrug-

Gated Biodegradable Hollow Mesoporous Organosilica Nanotheranostics for Multimodal

Imaging- Guided LowTemperature Photothermal Therapy/Chemotherapy of Cancer. ACS

Applied Materials  Interfaces,10 : 42115-42126.IF 10.383Q1  

12. Wu, J., Bremner, D. H., Niu, S., Wu, H., Wu, J., Wang, H., Wang, H., Li, H., Zhu,

L.M.* (2018). Functionalized MoS2 nanosheet-capped periodic mesoporous organosilicas as a

multifunctional platform for synergistic targeted chemo-photothermal therapy. Chemical

Engineering Journal, 342 : 90–102.IF 16.744, Q1

13. Wu, H., Williams, G.R., Wu, J., Wu, J., Niu, S., Li, H., Zhu, L.M.*. (2018). Regenerated

chitin fibers reinforced with bacterial cellulose nanocrystals as suture biomaterials. Carbohydrate Polymers. 180 : 304-313.(IF10.723Q1



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