
发布部门:bwin体育 发布时间:2023-09-08


孙婷婷,工学博士,bwin体育讲师。2023年博士毕业于东华大学。主要从事智慧医疗用智能材料及器件领域的相关研究。目前以第一作者/共同一作/通讯作者身份在Nature CommunicationsMaterials todayAdvanced Science等期刊上发表论文9篇,其中两篇论文分别入选ESI高被引论文和期刊亮点文章,获授权国家发明专利3项,撰写英文学术专著一个章节。主持东华大学拔尖创新人才项目,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目、上海市教委科研创新计划重大项目等科研项目。



1.       可穿戴医疗设备用柔性热电材料及器件。

2.       用于人体健康管理与检测的智能纤维及织物。



1.       东华大学优秀学生干部。

2.       山东省优秀毕业生。

3.       中国化学纤维工业协会·恒逸基金”优秀学术论文



1.       东华大学拔尖创新人才项目,主持。

2.       上海市教委科研创新计划重大项目,参与。

3.       国家自然科学基金面上项目,参与。



Tingting Sun, Lianjun Wang*, Wan Jiang*. Stretchable thermoelectric materials/devices for low-grade thermal energy harvesting. In Low-Grade Thermal Energy Harvesting, Wang, S., (ed.) Woodhead Publishing. 2022, 11-40. (2章编写)



Tingting Sun, Beiying Zhou, Qi Zheng, Lianjun Wang*, Wan Jiang*. Stretchable fabric generates electric power from woven thermoelectric fibers. Nature Communications. 2020, 11, 572. (ESI高被引)

Tingting Sun, Lianjun Wang*, Wan Jiang*. Pushing thermoelectric generators toward energy harvesting from the human body: challenges and strategies. Materials today. 202257121. (Highlighted paper)

Wei Zhao#, Tingting Sun#, Yiwei Zheng, Qihao Zhang*, Aibin Huang, Lianjun Wang*, Wan Jiang. Tailoring Intermolecular Interactions Towards HighPerformance Thermoelectric Ionogels at Low Humidity. Advanced Science. 2022, 2201075.

Tingting Sun, Sibo Chen, Hongfei Sun, Xin Wu, Lianjun Wang*, Wan Jiang. Wavy-structured thermoelectric device integrated with high-performance n-type carbon nanotube fiber prepared by multistep treatment for energy harvesting. Composites Communications. 2021, 27, 100871.

Lulu Jin, Tingting Sun*, Wei Zhao, Lianjun Wang*, Wan Jiang. Durable and washable carbon nanotube-based fibers toward wearable thermoelectric generators application. Journal of Power Sources. 2021, 496, 229838.

Shengjie Fan, Tingting Sun*, Meng Jiang, Shijia Gu, Lianjun Wang, Wan Jiang. Enhanced thermoelectric performance of MXene/GeTe through a facile freeze-drying method. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2023, 948, 169807.

Shengnan Jin#, Tingting Sun#, Yuchi Fan, Lianjun Wang*, Meifang Zhu, Jianping Yang, Wan Jiang. Synthesis of freestanding PEDOT:PSS/PVA@Ag NPs nanofiber film for high-performance flexible thermoelectric generator. Polymer, 2019, 167,102.

Xiaomeng Sun#, Tingting Sun#, Xiaofang Lu, Lianjun Wang*, Wan Jiang. Simultaneously improving thermopower and electrical conductivity via polar organic solvents aided layer-by-layer technique. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. 2020, 108, 104909.

Tingting Sun, Yuanming Zhang*, Wei Jiang, Guangting Han*. The Effect of Cooling Temperature on the Skin-Core Crystalline Structure of β-nucleated Polypropylene Using Finite Element Analysis. Results in Physics. 2017,7,2036.







